Time to the left turns on the power time on right turns off the power. off then on at 3:01, it won't turn the router on I want it to turn my router off and on, but after I set the off and on time which is 3:00 a.m. if you want to just use it as an on off timer randomly at different times you will have to program the on and off times each time. You can program the on and off times and it will do it everyday. Lets say you want to turn it on at 10:00 am and off at 10:30 am. Your question does not have enough detail but I will answer it this way. Will I have to program 30 minutes into the countdown each time, or will it be saved? I would like to use this to turn something off after 30 minutes. In other words, if you've attached it to a lamp that you want lit from 5:00-10:00, but you would like it (just today) to come on also from 2:00-3:00, you would activate the countdown feature at 2:00 and let it run for an hour. Instruction Booklet for All Crock-Pot Cook & Carry Smart-Pot Slow.
I have to say that I haven't used the feature yet, but the directions indicate that "Countdown" would be the feature to employ if you want a non-scheduled use period for the device being controlled by the timer. Take a look through our user guides and instruction manuals which are downloadable.If is programmed to shut at a certain time, what is the countdown for? I have mine to come on at five and go off at eleven. I then push the off button again and it will start to blink then you can push the clock for the time you want the timer to go off.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to respond or give us a call between the hours of 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM Central Standard Time, Monday thru Friday at 1-80. Polarize mean that the plug or outlet only has 2 prongs instead of 3 (ground terminal).When you program this, does it come on each day on the time range you set or just one time? Does this really let you set the countdown to any number of hours:minutes such as exactly 11 minutes OR exactly 2 hours, 7 minutes? I have found timers with "custom" countdown timers but they are only in preset intervals like 1 - 5 - 10 - 15 -20 - 60, etc.

All I want is a countdown timer I can set to the exact minute at the moment to shut off an appliance at desired time once started. I assume that the so-called "countdown" feature lets you define your own time interval. If your model doesn't have this button, you likely have to use the "On/Off" button.MyTouchSmart 35150 Plug-In Digital Timer - Use Manual - Use Guide PDF.

Use the "Hour" and "Min" button to select the specific timing for the event, taking care to note AM and PM hours.The other possibilities are combinations such as "SaSu" and "ThuFriSa." For example, "MoTuWeThFrSaSu" is every day of the week, while "Mo," "Tu," "We," "Th," "Fr," "Sa," and "Su" each represent individual days. Press the "Week" button to cycle through each day or combination of days of the week.For each event, set the week (day of the event), hour, and minute, followed by the start time-which is "# ON"-for the appliance as well as the stop time, which is "# OFF." The default "Program" display is "1 ON." As you press the "Program" button, the display cycles through each event: "1 ON," "1 OFF, "2 ON, "2 OFF," all the way until the maximum number of events. Each product has different capabilities, but can typically set up to 8 or so events. Set your timer for different events using the "Program/Prog" button.