Write a SQL statement to insert rows into the table employees in which a set of columns department_id and manager_id contains a unique value and that combined values must have exists into the table departments.ġ4. Write a SQL statement to insert rows in the job_history table in which one column job_id is containing those values which are exists in job_id column of jobs table.ġ3. Write a SQL statement to insert records into the table countries to ensure that the country_id column will not contain any duplicate data and this will be automatically incremented and the column country_name will be filled up by 'N/A' if no value assigned for that column.ġ2. Write a SQL statement to insert rows into the table countries in which the value of country_id column will be unique and auto incremented.ġ1. Write a SQL statement to insert a record into the table countries to ensure that, a country_id and region_id combination will be entered once in the table.ġ0. Write a SQL statement to insert one row in jobs table to ensure that no duplicate value will be entered in the job_id column.ĩ. Write a SQL statement to insert one row in jobs table to ensure that no duplicate value will be entered in the job_id column.Ĩ. | COUNTRY_ID | COUNTRY_NAME | REGION_ID | Assume that, the countries table is empty. Write a SQL statement insert rows from country_new table to countries table. Write a SQL statement to insert 3 rows by a single insert statement.Ħ.

Write a SQL statement to insert NULL values against region_id column for a row of countries table.ĥ. Write a SQL statement to create duplicate of countries table named country_new with all structure and data.Ĥ. Write a SQL statement to insert one row into the table countries against the column country_id and country_name.ģ. | COUNTRY_NAME | varchar(40) | YES | | NULL | | | COUNTRY_ID | varchar(2) | YES | | NULL | | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Here in the following is the structure of the table countries. Write a SQL statement to insert a record with your own value into the table countries against each columns. Here in the example above, we have inserted the values in table ‘dummy1’, having the same structure as table ‘dummy’, with a condition to insert only that row where ‘id = 1’.MySQL Insert Rows into the Table ġ. mysql> Insert into dummy1(id,name)select id, name from dummy Where id =1 how we can use WHERE clause with INSERT INTO statement. If we want to insert in a table whose structure is same as another table then in the following example it has been demonstrated that how we can have conditional insert i.e. If the condition is true MySQL insert the row into table otherwise not. In the example above, we have created a table ‘testing’ and for inserting rows into it we have used dummy table dual with a condition. Mysql> Insert into testing (id,item_name)Select 1,'Book' From Dual Where 1=1 The syntax can be as follows − INSERT INTO table_name(column1,column2,column3,…) Select value1,value2,value3,… From dual WHERE Example mysql> Create table testing(id int, item_name varchar(10)) In this case, we insert the value from dummy table along with some conditions. It can be done with following ways − With the help of dummy table WHERE clause with INSERT INTO command in the case of new row insertion.