very disappointing when you consider how much longer it takes to build research planets, one would think there should be a reward for it but nope, you are better off making all production and converting to research. As a result, my main production center almost always acts as my best research planets (same for money but I never need money in this game). Since there are so many ways to amplify production, you can easily have a planet with 2x-3x as much production than any other possible resource with their bonus buildings. Further, production seems to the king of all resources in this game as you can convert production to other types resources (like money or research as you could in Galciv2) but you can increase production much more easily than the other two and you can set up production based planets almost 3-4 times as fast. Its trivial to maintain positive income even with no economic improvements on planets.

Well in galciv3 economy is stupid easy to maintain. One of the biggest challenges in galciv2 was to balance production, economy, research and approval. Further, production seems to the king of all resources in Its a good game, but a little boring and I believe that this is due to "easy mode" economics.

Its a good game, but a little boring and I believe that this is due to "easy mode" economics.